How to Properly Maintain and Care for Epoxy Floors

4 Helpful Tips for Maintaining an Epoxy Coating

Epoxy coatings are popular for protecting floors, countertops, and other surfaces. Epoxy coatings are known for their durability, strength, and resistance to stains, chemicals, and scratches. However, to maintain the benefits of an epoxy coating, you need to take care of it properly. Here are four helpful tips for maintaining an epoxy coating:

Regular Cleaning

The first tip for maintaining an epoxy coating is to clean it regularly. Dirt, dust, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of an epoxy coating and, if left uncleaned, can cause damage over time. To avoid this, it is crucial to clean the surface regularly. Sweep or vacuum the surface to remove any loose dirt or debris. Then, use a mop or soft-bristled brush to clean the surface with a non-abrasive cleaner. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the epoxy coating. Instead, opt for a mild cleaner like dish soap or vinegar and water.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

As mentioned earlier, harsh chemicals can damage an epoxy coating. Therefore, it is essential to avoid using harsh chemicals on the surface. Chemicals like bleach, ammonia, and acetone can cause the epoxy coating to deteriorate over time. Use a mild cleaner like dish soap, vinegar, and water when cleaning the surface. If you need to use a cleaner not recommended for epoxy coatings, test it in a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Protect the Surface from Scratches

One of the benefits of an epoxy coating is its resistance to scratches. However, this does not mean that the surface is scratch-proof. To maintain the surface’s appearance, it is important to protect it from scratches. Avoid dragging heavy furniture or equipment across the surface, as this can cause scratches. Use furniture pads or rugs to protect the surface from scratches caused by furniture or equipment. If you notice scratches on the surface, use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush to clean the surface. If the scratches are deep, you may need to apply a new coat of epoxy to the surface.

Reapply the Coating

Over time, the epoxy coating may show signs of wear and tear. To maintain the surface’s appearance and protect it from damage, it may be necessary to reapply the coating. The frequency at which you need to reapply the coating depends on several factors, including the amount of traffic the surface receives, the type of use the surface is subjected to, and the quality of the original application. If you notice that the surface is no longer as shiny as it used to be or has signs of wear and tear, it may be time to reapply the coating.

When reapplying the coating, it is vital to prepare the surface properly. First, clean the surface thoroughly with a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush. Then, use a floor buffer or sander to remove any remaining residue or debris from the surface. Finally, apply the epoxy coating according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to allow the coating to dry completely before using the surface.

How to Deal with Maintenance Issues and Mistakes

While epoxy coatings are known for their durability, they can still develop maintenance issues or mistakes can be made during the installation or maintenance process. Here are some tips for dealing with common maintenance issues or errors

Blistering or Bubbling

Blistering or bubbling can occur on an epoxy-coated surface due to moisture or air trapped underneath the coating.You can sand down the affected area and clean it thoroughly to fix this issue. Then, apply a new layer of epoxy coating, ensuring the surface is completely dry before applying the new layer.

Cracking or Peeling

Cracking or peeling can occur on an epoxy coating if it was not applied correctly or if the surface was not properly prepared before application. You can sand down the affected area and clean it thoroughly to fix this issue. 


Staining can occur on an epoxy-coated surface if it is not cleaned regularly or if harsh chemicals are used on the surface. You can clean the affected area with a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush to fix this issue. If the stain is still visible, you can use a stain remover specifically designed for use on epoxy coatings.

Uneven Surface

An uneven surface can occur on an epoxy-coated surface if the coating was not applied evenly or if the surface was not adequately prepared before application. You can sand down the affected area and clean it thoroughly to fix this issue. Then, apply a new layer of epoxy coating, ensuring the surface is completely dry before applying the new layer.


Yellowing can occur on an epoxy-coated surface over time due to exposure to UV light. You can apply a UV-resistant topcoat over the epoxy coating to fix this issue. This will help to protect the surface from yellowing in the future.

It is important to note that some maintenance issues or mistakes may require professional assistance. If you are unsure how to fix a particular issue, it is always best to consult with a professional. Additionally, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance and care to ensure that your epoxy coating lasts for as long as possible.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular cleaning prevents the epoxy coating from damaging dirt, dust, and debris.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals that can cause the epoxy coating to deteriorate over time.
  • Protect the surface from scratches by using furniture pads or rugs and avoiding dragging heavy furniture or equipment across the surface.
  • Reapply the epoxy coating when necessary to maintain the surface’s appearance and protect it from damage.
  • Everyday maintenance issues like blistering, cracking, peeling, staining, and an uneven surface can be fixed by sanding down the affected area, cleaning it thoroughly, and applying a new layer of epoxy coating.
  • Yellowing can be prevented by applying a UV-resistant topcoat over the epoxy coating.
  • Consult a professional if you are unsure how to fix a maintenance issue or mistake.